Sunday, September 21, 2008

Mugabe’s (Current) Last Great Crime

Which? There are so many. Genocide in Matebeleland. Murder of opponents. Rigging of elections. Vast corruption. Destruction of an economy. Enslavement and impoverishment of a population. Depopulation and forced migration. Theft of land to enrich his clique. Allowing millions of Zimbabweans to contract and then die from diseases.

There will be crimes to come such as his almost inevitable breaking the recent agreement with the MDC.

And yet among all these crimes, there is one small action that ranks as profoundly criminal. Mugabe has given sanctuary to Mengistu. Mengistu of Ethiopia. The perpetrator of the Red Terror in the late 1970s, genocide throughout his regime, forced resettlement and associated vast numbers of deaths within Ethiopia and failure to address the Ethiopian famines of the 1980s. The end result of these actions was the genocide of millions of civilians.

Mengistu is hidden away in Zimbabwe. He certainly does not have to face the ordeal that is day-to day living of the Zimbabwean people. His is insulated from any concerns about inflation and shortages. He was sentenced for the crime of genocide and Mugabe refuses to extradite him. As well as demonstrating contempt for the people of Zimbabwe, he shows the same disdain for those of other countries such as Ethiopia.

In a land reduced to utter indigence by profound criminality, it is just one small example but so indicative of Mugabe’s conceited contempt for his people and for other Africans.

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