Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sisters of Smuggerhood

Today’s word describes the state of being a smug mother who can variously drive an enormous SUV or cycles with their child in some form a plastic seat at the back. The former drive slowly, badly and stop anywhere using their hazard lights that magically makes their car no longer an obstacle. The latter breaks lights and makes illegal turns with the child precariously vulnerable. I can cycle my bike the wrong way into oncoming traffic with my low carbon smugprint baby behind me because I have given birth. GIVEN BIRTH. Do you understand?

In each case the cloak of reproduction and the shield of procreation renders them impervious to any criticism. I have reproduced. The future of the entire race is in the back of my car/dangling from the back of my bicycle. I have a right to do this. My womb has flowered. Seed has burst forth.

Fuck you, you smug fuckers. When octopuses reproduce they do so once and their young devour them. Your brats should feed of your saggy corpse.

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